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How to Adapt to Current Information Security Practices

Adapting to Current Information Security Practices

Even a small hack or breach can spell major problems for a business. In modern times, security awareness has become essential to anyone interested in cybersecurity, especially in an age where hackers regularly compromise the personal online data of millions each year. Cybersecurity may seem like a complicated topic, but anyone can learn about it and it’s imperative that small and medium-sized business owners take online security seriously. If you are currently a business owner, it’s imperative that you know how to adapt to current information security practices.

Cloud Security

In the past, cloud security wasn’t quite so complex. This is no longer the case, primarily because the vast majority of tech services and platforms can now be used through the cloud in some manner. By focusing on both cloud security and in-house security, businesses can reduce the amount of time they devote to cybersecurity. Simply put, adaptation involves utilizing the right cloud vendors and regularly learning about updates and improvements.

Keeping Private Information Private

IoT devices, such as smartphones and home networks, contain highly sensitive information. This information is immensely valuable to hackers. If a breach occurs, businesses can find their customer’s most important information in the hands of online criminals. Fortunately, new developments enable individuals and businesses to keep their accounts and passwords out of the hands of hackers.

Simple steps, such as choosing strong passwords no one can guess, can make a significant difference. Utilizing difficult passwords is typically considered the first line of defense against hackers. Instead of using a single password across multiple accounts, individuals and companies should take the time to create unique passwords for each account and device.

In addition to passwords, internet users should take advantage of newer safety features, such as two-factor authentication. According to statistics, Millennials are most likely to utilize two-factor authentication and utilize multiple passwords.

The Importance of Understanding Current Security Threats

As mentioned above, security awareness is an important part of owning a business. Becoming aware of current and widespread threats can help individuals and companies realize the dangers they face. Breaches involving credit and banking information are becoming more and more common, and if a company doesn’t understand them, they may be powerless to stop a cyberattack on their own company. Staying informed on current events can be extremely helpful in this regard, especially for businesses just starting out.

Outsourcing Cybersecurity Responsibilities

If you don’t feel comfortable managing your own security risks, it may be a better idea to reach out to an outside vendor. Often, vendors have extensive experience handling cybersecurity, and they have a deeper understanding of hacker practices than most business owners. Hiring an external vendor to take over your online security practices can also free up valuable time you could use to focus on other things as a business owner.

When selecting a vendor, it is wise to choose an established organization with a positive reputation. There is no harm in asking for references or meeting with multiple vendors to find out which one can best meet your needs.

Adaptation is Key to Online Safety

Overall, adaptation is key to maintaining your organization’s online safety. Hackers and other cyber criminals are becoming smarter, and the only way to outsmart them is to stay current and ready for the next threat. Reach out to HPS Security if your business needs help adopting modern security measures.

Hancock & Poole Security provides a wide range of services to support your information security planning, including help with regulatory compliance. Please contact us or call (866) 443-7841 to learn more about how we can help you protect your company.